Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Celebrating Independence

Its the eve of Independence Day. Its roughly ten pm, Terri has just dropped me home and will drop ishuet home shortly. We left Gurney still clad in shorts and slippers about the same time everyone started coming. I see a whole load of people, mostly younger than i am. Someones sister, someones brother, juniors .. all who wave and say hi and continue on there way in as we make our way out. Get out before the crowd comes and the jam starts. I guess its a process of aging. Sad. Almost dissappointing, really. But then again, its dissappointing for other reasons which you may or may not know but that doesnt really matter cos its not my point.

So do you gracefully withdraw yourself from overrated social gatherings as you grow up? Or do you go, and hang on to whatever left while you still can? A year ago, i was probably there with the crowd, two years .. i was probably still there. . next year? Probably not. Same goes for new years and other less meaningful celebrations.

Oddly enough while i spent me night at home with my laptop the questions come one by one : why you still at home? not going out tonight? what you doing at home along? etcetera et cetera .. So, what am i doing at home? I dont know.. not exactly quite happy being there but no much of a choice i guess.. time to settle down? I dont know .. maybe i never will be able to settle. Maybe i need to keep on running. Maybe people dont really settle, they jsut find others to run with..

See Mun calls my unwillinges to sit at home hong sou. I just contribute it to the moles on my feet.

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