Sunday, September 19, 2004

Im Lost

Out of the many things in this lifetime that i fear, one of the most prominent fear in my life is if being lost. Maybe its some psychological thing left over from my childhood (you know, geting lost in shopping complexes) but yea.. im scared of being lost. Not just lost as in i dont know how to get somewhere kind of lost. The lost where you dont know whats going on, you dont know what to do, you dont know where to go. You dont know why, you dont know how. And you cant do shit about it. The feeling that you, your life and everything surrounding you in just spinning out of control. You cant get where you want to go. You cant find who you want to find. You cant get to your safe place. And all you can do it sit there like an idiot, go round in circles and watch everything whizz by you. Which might explain my obsessive need to always be doing something. To keep busy. Even when i dont know what to do i at least fake it and look like im doing something.
Makes me feel less stupid somehow

Friday, September 10, 2004

Millipede Murder

Have i ever mentioned the millipedes un my uni?? Well, the place is crawling with em, dont ask me why..ranging from small to big, from the cute little black and yellow ones to the wormy red ones.
Neway, having nothing much better to do standing around in the foyer sometimes, i stare at em. Know what? Theyre actually pretty cute. Really. And since then, i have developed a strange fascination with the little critters. (you know they cant walk straight??)

I stepped on one yesterday. In the corridor. On the way to the CAD/CAM lab. (this is what happens when you talk to much and dont look at the ground when you walk) I didnt see it and i stepped on its side. I literally heard/felt it go crunch

Murder of the first degree. Oh the a murderer......
May the soul of the little millipede (do millipedes have souls?) rest in peace

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Happy Happy..

Its yet another day. And yet another entry. But today, its gonna focus on feeling good. And being happy :) . Someone commented on how depressed i seem to be in most of my entries. SO today im gonna try something different. Here goes..

I had ice cream today. Two scoops of Baskin Robbins. (the flavour of the month is pretty good). Im happy :) See.. its not that hard to make me happy ..

On another note..talked to Vila today. Seems like she's having a blast im UM. Down to mid Valley everyday..out every night until the wee hours of the morning. Which makes me wonder how on earth she manages to have so much free time.. must be the whole lit course thingy. Also makes me wonder i would have turned up if i was there with her...The world is full of what ifs. Which im NOT going to think about. Cos the aim of this whole entry is not to think and just be happy. im going to focus on my ice cream. Hmmmmm..........

~Sayang i love you~

Another short note : Thanks Tze Lin..