Thursday, February 24, 2005

Finally Finished!!! The Radical Crutch!!

You know you've been up too long staring at a com screen when
    1. Your vision gets blurry. And when you rub your eyes it gets worse.
    2. When you finally look away from the screen you can still see it. And little blinky lights. And blinky lines.
    3. You dont have eyebags anymore, you have goldfish eyes.
    4. You hear the morning prayers call before you've gone to sleep
    5. You feel that your slowly turning blind and stupid.

This week has been a killer. Ever since ive been back from CNY hols, its been juggling time between our design project work and tests. And finally, today, the memorable 24th of February 2005, we hand up our completed project. No more sleeping, eating and living design. No more sleeping at odd hours for nights on end. Im free!!!!!!

Just for this evening, that is.

I'm so proud of what we did that I have pics of it. I know you're probably not interested but humour me :) I wanted to post up the animation but i thought that would be going overboard. Check out ------> the Radical Crutch

Our work in process. Finally finished and handed up today! For the first time in ages i have time to myself. I came back this afternoon and i didnt know what to do. So i slept..

The Solid Model of our Project. Cant actually see the whole thing but looks good?? RIght???? Damn good job if i must say so myself considering that we only assembled and animated everything last night. We were up in the cafeteria till three to do this, getting eaten alve by mozzies before we respectively pulled all nighters in our room to finish it up. Bangganya!!

With that and my shitty Lab test and C++ finished (in both ways) i have finally cleared my room and dumped all that stuff under my bed so i can actually see my table top once more.

Something important to do tomorrow. Cross your fingers, wish me luck.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Library TRIP

Embarassment of the day : i fell.

I was in the library to renew a very overdue book. So i was walking around, making some small talk, got my book back and i left. Standard library trip right? Then i fell. Was walking out of the library with my book, went down the stairs and ... my ankle gave way on me. So i fell. Down the stairs. With my book and my bag and my umbrella. Not very gracefully. Major embarrasment. Thankfully, there are no hot hunks in PB.

You'd think after so many years i'd have at least learnt how to fall gracefully, but noo... i had to make a great scene. So i picked up my stuff and skedaddled as fast as i could. I will NOT go to the library tomorrow.

Oh wait.. ACHIEVEMENT OF THE DAY: I have yet to have a cup of coffee! Althought i've spent half the day only half awake, its still an achievement right??? See.. im not that addicted to caffein

Neways, pics as promised ..

Girls night out .. this was taken shortly before Hui Min returned to US. We'll see you in a year !

Dinner at Teluk Kumbar .. we stuffed outselves silly with seafood..

Girly get-together .. Ishuet and me

See Muns Birthday!! The first of us to turn 21 .. Happy B'day girl!!!

At Jit Shiongs Birthday.Yes i know he's not in the pic but he's too busy outside barbequeing the food for all us lazy girls inside ..

This would be me at See Muns barbeque. Im holding an umbrella to protect our lamb from the rain. Had a blast that day.. i won myself 15 bucks gambling :). Not bad for a beginner eh?

Yi Wenns 21st birthday! Another girl turning 21.

Biscuit and Cow. This is what Jesie and I did one evening when we were too bored on campus. Bored engineering students have a tendency to go slightly wacky

Saturday, February 19, 2005

minor shit in lisa systems

This bring a rather shitty close to what has been a really long day. Makes it even longer cos it seems like two days have merged into one. Yes, i had a grand total of one and a half hours of sleep last night.. maybe more, maybe less.

Spent this week sleep deprived (i dont know why tests have to be crammed together), whole of last night (that would be thursday night) trying to complete my bloody lab report and dragged myself up this morning at 7.30 to make a little trip all over campus. This is my pathline :

room --> cafeteria --> computer center --> language center --> mechanical school --> cafeteria --> room --> cafeteria

All that distance to be covered in the space of half an hour. So i ran. Literally. Like a complete idiot running round campus in the wrong direction ( i was the only ass running away from the classes. Actually i was just the only ass running.), sweating, with my hair flying all over the place and my glasses steaming up. And not to mention that i had no dinner, no breakfast and no morning bath. All to catch the 8.30am morning bus to go home.

I caught the bus :)

On one and a half hours of sleep, i sit at the back of the rattly bus which could probably rival the motion master. I can deal with the rattling though big bumps jarr my backbone but that awful creak-creak-creak which corresponds to each bump-bump-bump of the bus and each bang of my elbow against the seat is enough to drive anyone insane. I look out the window, staring into vast nothingness, my mind completely blank. Strange. I am not sleepy. I am bored. Yet another journey back. Everyone on board seems to be asleep. I will not close my eyes. I will not let the opportunity for me to succumb to fatigue arise. Once i close my eyes, im done for. The fatigue will devour me with hungry jaws and i will not wake. I will not make it home. I have been awake for more that twenty four hours. Its amazing, i havent even had my morning coffee. I reach home and resist sleep another four hours before finally dropping into lala land sometime past twelve for a two hour nap. And im still awake. I cant sleep. I have too much to think about.

What is important? I've been searching for an answer and i still cant find it.

    10 things i wish for

    1. To actually fcuk it and forget it when i say so
    2. To fly
    3. To be selfish, to think about only me and not give a damn about what other people wanted
    4. accept myself for what i am
    5. multi lingual
    6. less critical, of myself and others
    7. unlimited pocket
    8. to be different
    9. to be normal
    10. to have my own mind..

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Princess of Theives??

I have come to a realisation : I can never be a theif.

Lost my (well not exactly mine but still, mine for the moment) very new motorbike helmet a couple of weeks ago. Since then, dinner out and bike rides to class have decreased drastically. okay, maybe having to walk to class isnt that bad. The bad part about losing a helmet that isnt mine?? I gotta replace it before i get found out. Yup, i have to get a brand new, silver coloured, full face visor Index helmet soon before my mom finds out ive lost it cos then i'll never hear the end of it. My mom still talks about the time i was twelve and lost some cert from a file. I bet she'll harp about the missing bike helmet till im 40.

Anyways, to get a new helmet would put me back somewhere around sixty bucks. Sixty bucks i cant afford, 'specially since im still indebted to Terri. So what did i do today? I put my PFS skills to work. I kinda stole it back. Ive been scouting around and i saw a helmet that looked exactly like mine. Im not too sure but it looked eactly like mine and i really dont want to shell out cash for a helmet so i grabbed it and dissappeared into the sunset. Figured someone will gain and someone has to lose, im determined to be neither. Fair trade right??

But im feeling the guilt. Im feeling really, really guilty. I think i'll go and put it back.

Looks like i'll never make it to big time bank robbery. But at least i know i'll go to heaven :)

Chinese New Year hols are over and im back in PB. My new year resolution?? To lose 3kg and get rid of the zits on my forehead by the end of one month. Wait, maybe thats too ambitious. One and a half months then. The months of pigging out and no exercise is starting to show. And if i cant be smart, at least i can look good.

Finals in less than two weeks. Im screwed.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Holiday?? What holiday??

Im BACK! For an entire week of holiday!!But seeing that i'll have to go to Ipoh for CNY, not entirely long enough. Oh well... quick update on what ive been up to so far :
    1. Went pressie shoppin
    2. Had a couple of celebrations (with a few more to come)
    3. Catch a flu
    4. Visit sir (finally)
    5. Eat chocolate, watch a movie
    6. Wax Terri's back!! I have pics but it seemed a little too graphic.. think Indonesian maid abuse victim...
    7. Meet up with Jon. A brief but better then nothing peiod of time. Oh well.. Theres always next time..
    8. Eat Mcdonalds Bfast with Chai and Terri. Some things dont change :)
    9. Lose alot of sleep
    10. Eat Mcdonalds breakfast AGAIN with See Mun, Polyn and Terri

Then heres what i have to do before i leave:
    1. Go to Ipoh (unfortunately neccessary)
    2. Meet up with Tze Lin (maybe we can do lunch???i'll be back thursday; call me if youre free, i have to see you before you go, its been ages)
    3. BIRTHDAYS! Which also mean present shopping again..
    4. Have dinner with Jon
    5. Have a chit chat with Vila
    6. See Ye Shan before she leaves, and collect my certs
    7. Mahjong and fireworks: Ishuets place
    8. Glo??Hey im invited right??? And im free right???
    9. Actually, meet up with a number of people, but somehow given the current situation its just not possible..

Plenty of things to be done, not nearly enough time. And it doubly sucks that i neither have my own car nor a driver. Precious time wasted sittin on my arse doing nothing. Oh yea.. and i'm supposed to study.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

ADJECTIVE - a word that describes a noun or pronoun.

For some reason i found this interesting. Maybe its knowing that i'd never be able to do something like that in this lifetime.

Was taking a pee at 2.15am when this thought crossed my mind : I kinda forgot i have a father.
Its so odd i almost found it funny.

Todays conversation with mother:

Me: Mum, i might be coming back tomorrow afternoon around 4. Can you pick me up?
Mum: Four ah?? Cannot la, i have to go for my reflexology at three and i might not be done till five. Maybe you can wait for me in my office till evening..
Me: I dont have you office key...
Mum: oh right.. i dont know, maybe you can see if someone else can pick you up. Maybe Terri has classes? See if you can catch a ride ..

In that 55 second conversation, she didnt mention my dad. I forgot all about him and the fact that he might be around.

And it took me almost 10 hours to realise that.