Sunday, October 16, 2005

Like an Onion?

Im slowly falling apart, piece by piece under the pressure of too much work, too much stress and not enough sleep (damn uni life.. whoever said uni years were the best of you life werent mech students in usm). And at the same time, so are my PC speakers. ARghh.. my trusty harmon kardons have finally reached the end of their life span. I need a new pair of speakers. Sob Sob.

My eyebags have eyebags. Even more sobs.

Finals are comin and i still know nothing about plane stress or Mohrs circle or biaxial bending or eccentrically loaded members. Its times like these where i dont know what possessed me to pursue an honours degree in mechanical engineering. I swear, i should have stuck to my original plan and taken interior design .. or baking.

Far cry from engineering, huh?

Neway, a couple of incidents happened this week which all involved someone(or some people) taking others for granted. I sat back and pondered over it, and i have come to realise that the longer you know someone (or more accurately, the better you know someone) the more likely you are to take him/her for granted. I guess its only in human nature to assume (how i hate that word now) the other party should be able to understand, after knowing you so long. But it shouldnt be that way .. you should know where your loyalty lies. And you should know whats really important to you. And i guess its disappointing to realise that someone will (and is?) taking you for granted.. and even more so that you make excuses to yourself.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Only Words..

Its been a bitch of a week, with things comin one after another after another. Doesnt help that i ended up sick by monday morning (ugh, presentation at 8.30am with no voice) and i stayed sick for the next couple of days. Darn flu, im blaming in on Kar Loon. My powers of recovery are amazing though so after spending about 15 hours sleeping (with a bathroom trip in between) i turned out fine.

This week has been jammed pack with assingments, test, extra classes and presentations but that wouldnt be the only reason why this whole week gave me a major headache and big puffy eyes. There were a couple of inccidents which made me stop, think and review my current situation. Its not easy when youre pushed away. Its not easy to have to come to a point where you realise you arent what you once were .. its not easy to come to look in the mirror and realise what you have become. Even more so when you hate what you turned into. Then you wonder 'what happened to me? And its not easy to have to think if everything is worth it. The world kinda comes crashing down on you once you realise that things you were once so certain of are not certain anymore. Its not that simple to just go on and pretend nothing happend.

After a few days of mulling things over in solitude, i have come to realise its not my fault. And that there are some things which i have no control of. There is a middle path to everything, and there is no need for me to feel guilt for wanting more time .. or wanting company .. or sympathy (i know la, damn manja).

    Sticks and stones may break my bones; but words will never hurt me.

Whoever said that was obviously lying. Cos words hurt .. and i still maintain my stand that noone should ever deserve to be yelled and cursed in a fit of anger. Not even a dog.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Mechatronics Project - Finished at Last!

As you may probably have figured out, ive been really busy the past week with various projects and assignments. But i just had to show off our completed mechatronics project.

Task: to build a system using a conveyor belt, single or double acting cylinders, a PLC, valves and sensors and to write its program.

It took us one whole day of skipping classes, just to build it, never mind the concept and the program etc etc.. and im very, very proud of it, k? Might not look like much (what to do, low budget mah..) but hey, it works .. and its cute. I'll put a movie clip just to show off oncw ivw converted it to a .swf file cos my pic host doesnt accept avi formats. Dang. Anyway, just praise me, make me happy k:)

Our wiring for the PLC. Complicated leh .. we're very proud of it, no help at all :) We skipped classes to stay in the FMS room all day to work on it.. bad idea cos three hours into the project i got a call from my roomie - thermo quiz!! We had to run from our building all the way to the lecture theatre..and me in my roomies shoes, one size to small..

One last pic..couldnt resist. had to go scavenging around for all those parts.. it pays to make friends with the technicians :) Finished at last.. so happy :) .. now all thats left is about a ton of paperwork.. sigh..i should have just taken up baking.. ive found more than one person willing to be my silent partner..eheheh

The fourth years were there doing there robotics and automation project... massive machinary .. but they assemble these really cute little houses.

Friday, October 07, 2005


I know, i know .. way overdue but ive been busy. Really, really busy. My dean is proud to say that second year mechanical students are the busiest on campus. I, however dont find it quite that fun. I turn green with envy when i see the students from materials and mineral resources free every afternoon.

Anyway, i celebreated my birthday last week.. just a small thing with the girls.. Chai came back from KL (i didnt know she was comin) and boy was i surprised when her car pulled up at Ishuets house. First thing i thought was ??Chai Yin driving terri? Terri borrowed chai's car?? hahaha.. imagine my surprise when Chai popped out .. *Thanks Chai!* And i had a small celebration just with Jon the week before that :). Thanks to all of you who made growing a year older in the middle of a jungle not as bad as it could have been *hugz*

Dinner at Tambun
We went for dinner in Tambun.. Being girls, we had no idea that there was a football match at Batu Kawan that night.. it took forever to reach there, cos of the jam and two accidents. Oh yea .. we have no idea who those two dudes are standing in the pic. A mystery... jeng jeng jeng

Our two lesbian friends :)
And i just had to put in the pic of yu ming and drey.. we call it " the two lesbian friends" eheheh..

This is Chai, on the way back from Tambun. We were bored.. its a long drive k..

Inpromptu shot
This shot was taken while trying to set the timer on the cam. Notice Chai is the only one staring at the camera..

In Ishuets house
This is what a group pic is supposed to look like.

The bar
And since it was just us girls and in ishuets house, we decided to try our hand at mixing drinks.

our cocktails
Look at our cocktails!! Arent they a pretty colour? From left to right you see our version of Lemon Drop, Vodka Orange, Sangaria, Green Froggy, Ishuets creation and Screwdriver

Drey and shuet
Self explanatory.. but i think pics look so funny without captions..

See MUn
See Mun all red and happy :)

Our booze bottles and the little thingy that sat on top of my cake

At the drive thru
Drinking makes you hungry so we went to McDonalds :) Praise the dude who came up with the idea of a 24 hour drive thru!!!

In The car
This is me .. in the car.. at McDs .. with Yu Mings foot next to me. And i never noticed it was there

Thank you thank you!! I had a great time that week, and the week before that (Love you baby..)

More pics available, but since im not too sure about the nature of the shots .. i wont be posting them up. And i only got the pics from chais camera today, im much too lazy to upload them.


Ahem. As you see, im quite stressed. Excuse me.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Its 1.34 in the morning .. i should have started on my strength of materials paper by now .. but im still here. Hmmm.. i procrastinate way, way too much. Bad habit, i know. Sigh.

This sem, ive had projects or assignments for every single subject. And out of all those ive had to redo three of em a day or two prior to handing them up because I DIDNT READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! Or because some wise ass decided to go up to the lecturer to clarify things and gave the lecterer the bright idea of either a) having more criteria or b) adding something else to do. And right now, i and a few friends would happily take my trusty ten year old car and run the culprit over. And over. And over. Hahahahahah...

Okay .. im gonna hide my horns ..

Okay .. back to work. I have three more things to do before i am (hopefully) free!! All i need to complete now is a four page hand written hand illustrated good handwriting (damn the lecturer) paper on strain gauges, a three page BM presentation on petrol prices (and memorise it too..) and a conveyor belt system for my mechatronics.

I hate it here.