Friday, September 10, 2004

Millipede Murder

Have i ever mentioned the millipedes un my uni?? Well, the place is crawling with em, dont ask me why..ranging from small to big, from the cute little black and yellow ones to the wormy red ones.
Neway, having nothing much better to do standing around in the foyer sometimes, i stare at em. Know what? Theyre actually pretty cute. Really. And since then, i have developed a strange fascination with the little critters. (you know they cant walk straight??)

I stepped on one yesterday. In the corridor. On the way to the CAD/CAM lab. (this is what happens when you talk to much and dont look at the ground when you walk) I didnt see it and i stepped on its side. I literally heard/felt it go crunch

Murder of the first degree. Oh the a murderer......
May the soul of the little millipede (do millipedes have souls?) rest in peace

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