Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Sponge Bob Square Pants

Server was down last night. *#$%%@!3*.

I got locked out of my room the night before last. Stupid really. My last years roomie and i have developed this habit of never locking our doors, and never taking our keys anywhere. When we bathe, when we sleep, when we do laundry, when we go visiting..So it came as quite a shock when i went to take a bath, she popped across to find someone and we came back to find the door locked. Me, with my hair wrapped in a towel still holding my shower caddy and obviously keyless and handphoneless.. and she .. with nothing either. Dilemma. Neither of us have the other two roomies phone numbers. We squatted in someone elses room for a good half hour. Thankfully i was wearing something.

I had dinner with a bunch of friends at some tea place. And when i say tea, i mean real chinese tea. Little tea cup and little tea pot.. the works. Scratch that. Not little. Tiny. Miniscule. Miniature. Im guessing it held no more than a quater of an ounce. One sip and its all gone. Annoying, really. How do you expect to quench your thirst this way?

The tiny teacupme and my tiny teacup
Told ya its damn small.

I just had to put this up : My new pillows :)

Spongebob Square PantsMoo Moo Pillow

I havent been able to sleep for the past few nights..tossing and turning till five in the morning. So ive decided it cos i didnt bring my fav pillow down so i went to get another one :)

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea???
Sponge bob square pants!

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