Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Two More Days

I managed to get onto my not so free wifi spot and this is what is found:

This pic captured my eye. The photo managed to show the contrast between the poor and the rich. The kid that gets his shoes shined and the baby asleep on the back of his mother who shines the shoes. The fat little sitting in the chair and the sleeping baby who might never have to luxury of drinking a big bottle of pepsi. The sad part? The chance of the little sleeping baby crossing over to the higher society isnt that high. Guess life isnt always that rosy.

More food for thought. Look at the determination in her face, the amount of effort he has to put in, the willingness for them to work together and not give up. Take away the superficial layer and the materialistic edge away from life as we know it, maybe this is what love is.

Two more days and there will only be three of us trainees left. Yup. Girl 1 has sucessfully completed her training and leaving us while the three of us are left behind. Sigh. I first stepped into the office not knowing what to expect, but im glad i met her and im sorry to see her go. Who knew that the four of us, from different parts of Malaysia, would meet here in IJM and get along so well to the extent that we skip work together, plan to meet up again, eat ice cream together and just hang out.. Do all sorts of nonsense together, shop together, drink coffee, eat nasi lemak, take wiered photos...
I guess this training will definitely be something i wont forget.

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