Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Oh My..

Been having a really shitty headache since last night.

Ever went out for a night of chilling, had one too many shots of whisky, a few too many beers and way, way too much vodka, only to go home feeling like shit and having the worst hangover ever? The kind where the bass just wont stop playing and the world just wont stop spinning even thought youre lying still on your bed at home. The kind where the floor jsut dont seem solid anymore to the point where you feel seasick just standing there? Yea well, i have. And last nights killer headache was worse than that.

Snuck up on me last night, just as i was about to snuggle into bed with a good book. Then boom, my head starts splitting into two and spinning at the same time. *@#$. Completely ruined my night. Worse thing was it kept me up till around 3 last night, so woke up this morning feeling absolutely shitty. Still with a nagging headache. Which has accompanied me all day. And I still cant sleep.


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