Saturday, December 18, 2004

Seven cups of KopiTiam coffee should be made illegal

FIve cups of coffee can do odd things to you.
It late, sort of and im dead tired and im still sitting here trying to owrk on my design project but im not noticeably any further along then when i was when i started. Im tired, and im grumpy and on top of that my back aches..
I think i overdosed on the caffeine... cant exactly think too straight anymore, which i can see by the huge amount of spelling errors i have made so far.. whoo hooo.. caffeine high.. ahaha..

i am tired. Either my body or my brain is tired, i cant figure out which one... I took the morning campus bus back today which was so packed that i consider myself luck i got a place to sit. And when all i wanted to do was gfet a liilte shut eye it had to be that a bunch of extremely loud foreign students, arabs i think? had to be sitting/standing around me... and theu kjust HAD to talk really loud. Or it seemed really loud to me.. Yes, i was annoyed. Very. Then i had to get stuck on a traffic jam on the bridge, therfore missing my chance to get a ride home from campus.. which meant i had to rely on our so wonderful public transport system called the mini bus. Aquashed in a mini bus carrying a sack and a brick is someting i could do without.

Im tired... and i not tired..actually i dont know what i am. I am going to bed, i refuse to count the amount of hours i have slept this week cos its a disturbing thought. Gotta get up early tomorrow to drop my mom off..

If youre reading this darling im sorry..

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