Friday, June 10, 2005

Did anyone realise that this is still Penang? Cos i didnt :). Somewhere in Balik Pulau, when a lunch break turned into a 3 hour 'long kai'. Im at the top of a hill, at restaurant. I think its called the view? Pretty nice place, with a great breeze. So if you're really bored, go look for it. If youre using a really old car though, take my advice and walk up. Unless you want to risk sliding down 100 meters, which is what we almost did. This is what bored and lazy trainees do, when work is about to end. We went on impulse to Balik Pulau, where one of the trainee lives. To eat durians (she has her own dusun) and rambutans and pineapples and mangosteens etc etc. Pineapples do NOT grow like potatoes. I didnt know that either. There is no such thing as a pineapple tree.

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