Thursday, April 07, 2005

SEPET are my eyes

Finally.. after so, so long.. i watched Sepet. And i have to say, its a must-see. About a thousand times better than Be Cool. So if you have to watch a movie and you havent caught it yet, go for Sepet.

Guess what .. i have a dental appointment tomorrow. Yay!
Now usually i absolutely despise visits to the dentist. Lying down on that freaky chair, with the freaky pain inducing instruments and bright light and your mouth streched wide open with some lady, no matter how nice, poking into it is NOT my idea of fun. Doesnt even come close. Its somewhere right down at the bottom, alongside the things i hate to do eg going for medical check-ups. But as its tomorrow afternoon and the dental isnt open on weekends and the appointment was scheduled a year ago, i get the afternoon off!! Yay!!

Only wish i could get the whole day but lets not be greedy.. i get an afternoon off!! Thank god for small pleasures.

I was having ice cream and talking to a friend of mine, Kok Yun (we think he has a girlfriend but he's yet to admit it in public), when he said the most surprising thing to me:

    "If you were my girlfriend, you'd be so easy to get along with."

That alone, was enough to blow my mind away. Anyway, being the kaypo i am, i had to ask why. To which he replied

    "You're so easy to please/make happy."

And i just had to laugh. Anyone who knows me and my relationship knows im far, far from being an easy girlfriend. Heck, Jon would be the first person to run out with a megaphone to announce it. And yes, i know i have a habit of being dificult. Blame in on hormonal imbalance. Just goes to show that the grass always looks greener on the other side.. But then again, Kok Yun probably thinks that all he needs to keep me happy would be a large tub of ice cream .. THINK AGAIN. Not everything can be fixed with a bribe.

But then again, a good pint of Baskin Robbins does have the ability to put a big, fat, happy smile on my face and a sugar high to last me all day :)

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