Friday, April 22, 2005

Rebrand What?

Recently Telekom Malaysia has rebranded itself to TM. Something to do with being modern and up to date and having a whole new image.

I think they need to do much more than rebranding.

For the past few days, I've been recieving calls on my cell phone from the oddest people (think peoples parents??) whom i do not know and ive never heard of and i dont recognize the numbers at all. Each ask me who i am, do i know so and so, have i been talking to so and so, are you sure you dont know who he is, your phone number is on my bill do you know this number are you really sure you dont know what about so and so, you know him??

Bloody Telekom Malaysia and its crosslines. Its annoying me. Especially when some wierdo calls you in the middle of the night lookin for some one that you dont know.

Onwards to Vision 2020. Hah.

My brother has managed to convince my mom that he needs a laptop very badly, so much urgent work to do. So he's gettin a laptop. I, on the other hand, managed to convince my mom that I need a new laptop more than he intergrated graphics card cant support all the design work i do (YES ITS TRUE). SO.....

I got a new laptop :). Farewell to my trusty Acer Travelmate which has kept me company for so long, Hello to my new Toshibe Satellite.

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