Just for you . .
I am wildly unpredictable - i have mood swings, i get depressed, i can laugh like theres no tomorrow, i can be grumpy all day and 5 minutes later have a good time with my friends
I am a softie - my heart is too big. I cry in movies, i cry over dead guinea pigs, abused animals and feel bad for roadkill/homeless people or animals/trees/
I can laugh for absolutely no reason at all, over something that isnt all that funny
I am a klutz. I trip over my own feet, walk into walls and fall into drains
I can be such a complete bimbo - who cuts my hair is a matter of great importance
I am intelligent. I am well read, i can carry a conversation, i know what im talking about
I am independent - no one needs to pick up after me or hold me hand and tell me what to do
I am a girl, which means i still adore being treated like a princess
I am shy. It takes a while for me to get to know people
Yet sometimes when i start talking i can go on forever
I am silly - i rarely look before i leap, sometimes my common sense flies out the window
I am confused. I dont know what i really want, its hard to make decisions
I love ice cream, coffee, chocolate and shopping
I can randomly spout nonsense until the cows come home
I love to abrubtly change topics when you're talking to me
I love being around people, but value my privacy
I hate sharing rooms. Get out of my personal space
Dance naked in the night!
I am a perfectionist. I love it when my margins are perfectly justified, when all my calculations are to the same decimal points, when my hand writing is perfectly straight. I like knowing that i've done a damn good job
I make my bed every night before i go to bed
I have locked my car keys in my car more than once.
I love the beach, i love the sea, i will get my diving licence some day
My dream is to own a bakery/clothes shop
But my real dream is to run a pet shelter
I like having a home. I missed out having a family
I am competitive. I've been groomed from young to compete. It doenst show
I am human. I make mistakes. Alot of them
I enjoy good wine, good liquor and good food.
I love to dance. Its unexplainable.
I get grumpy when i havent slept/eaten/left alone for too long
I am inquisitive. I ask why. Alot. Government education has squished it out of me
I am a rebel. Dont tell me what to do and expect me to do it unless it makes sense. I will go against you just because.
I still cannot speak mandarin after 4 years in a public university
I cant understand why people chuck their trash all over the place
Sometimes, I have intense cravings for an icy cold coke
I dont like chinese new year or family reunions
The less sleep i get, the less sense i make when i talk. Dont call me early in the mornings.
I dont curse, unless im driving and you piss me off
I am generally docile, unless im driving and you piss me off
I will go to back to bali and learn how to surf. properly
I am a worrywart when it comes to things important to me
I hate it when people mess up my stuff
The real world scares me. Who is going to watch me back?
I am me. This is me. No one else like me.