Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another chapter

Yes yes, i am home.

Four years of uni life over and done with. Mixed feelings. I cant say i enjoyed ever being in USM (what with the bloody dress code, bad food, shared toilets, irritating room mates and bugs) but i cant say i'll be looking forward to starting work and getting used to everything all over again.

And no security blanket this time :(

I hope I'm back for good. Or at least a while. And that i dont have to transplant myself to another state. But it doesnt look good...

I havent unpacked my stuff from the car yet. Its funny how you can pack up a years worth of junk in a stinky little hostel room is about an hour .. and load it all into one car.

But im so so tired.. i want to do nothing

Im allowed to be lazy, i havent been getting enough sleep.

Funny.. the next time i'll be seeing my unimates, we'll be discussing our jobs instead of how the lecturers suck.

So many options. How to decide?
Scary scary

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