Monday, February 13, 2006

Oh St Valentine ..

Its that dreaded day again .. VALENTINES DAY. A day loathed by singles and couples alike. Couples because for a majority of them its time to get down to the excruciating process of he choosing the perfect gift and the perfect flowers and the perfect dinner place bla bla bla and woe betide the man that comes back with THE WRONG GIFT! And for the minority of couples who for some reason or another simply arent able to spend Valentines day with that special someone, its painful to sit and watch other couples making kissy faces and showing off extravagant (read: waste of money loh) bouquets of flowers and teddy bears when they know that their someone is there but just simply unreachable. And when they say theres no pain quite like the pain of unrequited love, i believe that there isnt one person out there who does not know that pain.


Originally a day to celebrate love, valentines day has now become more like a competition to see who's bf or gf got the bigger/better/more expensive gift or ate in the most high class restaurants. Its a day where those smug couples openly flaunt their relationships in front of others and where singles feel doubly single. A day where the couples feel superior and the singles feel like theyre missing out on something. Its a day where where business take the opportunity to reap in profits. I mean, 12 bucks for ONE rose? Thats robbery! In short, its commercialised. Its become a whole bunch of bull.

In these past years, either my patience has become increasingly short or there are just way way too many couples out there attached to the hip. Yes, we know you love each other but really .. you dont HAVE to wear the EXACT SAME TSHIRT. We know you make out every night but you really dont HAVE to tickle each others bits while queuing up to buy groceries .. save it for another time when you arent holding up the queue. And you dont have to jab the stems of your flowers into the back of the poor innocent dude behind you just because theyre bigger than your head. And so on.. And so on.. ARGH!

Makes me feel like going out their and egging them. No, Im not bitter spinster. I just have a low tolerance level for annoying people.

Anyway to all those who dont happen to have an other half around to make kissy faces with on Feb14, dont fret. Dont hide at home.. You dont have a half, so hang out with the other fractions - your friends! Minus the kissy faces, of course.. Valentines day is primarily about love... and we love our friends (and ourselves) dont we?? Come on.. say it ... i wuuvv yoouuu..

Oh yea ... EVERYONE hates valentines day cos it causes massive TRAFFIC JAMS!

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