Call me a bitch if you must, but seriously this is too much ..
1. I am bloody sick of being the only few idiots to buy a textbook. Which means that my brand new text book (which i have barely opened) is gonna be borrowed by someone and made into twenty copies or more and returned in pathetic condition!! Its a bloody textbook for your education, it doesnt cost that much cos its already partly subsidised, you all have loans, grants and scholarships so BUY YOUR OWN DAMN TEXTBOOK AND LEAVE MINE ALONE.
2. I am sick of having to lend my text books out brand new and having them come back dog eared. Wear and tear is fine, when I do it. Its my book, if it gets weathered cos i've been reading it, its my choice. Noone else gets their dirty paws on it.
3. I am sick and tired of all the asses out there that call me everyday to see if my lab report is done just so they can copy off it. Once in a while? Fine. Need my help? No problem, just ask me. But taking the whole thing and copying it word for word? Screw you. I didnt spend entire afternoons in the library writing it and getting references so that you could copy off it. And if our lab reports end up the same, you're not the only one screwed.
4. I am annoyed to death by the idiots and tudung heads that walk five abreast in the walkways and hallways really slow, talking at the same time. You wanna walk slow, use half your brain and make way for other people to walk. Other people have places to go. Same goes to to the dumbasses who need three other people to stand around them while they check their atm balance and decide whether to draw out thirty or sixty dollars. You neither need people to decide how much you need to draw nor giggle endlessly. Theres a line behind you, save it for another day.
5. Dont stare at me blankly during lab and expect me to tell you what to do, or do it for you. We have the same labsheets, read it la. Thats what its for.
6. I still think the rules about wearing shorts on campus is stupid.
7. Im also sick and tired of having to visit the damn bookshop, day after day looking for my textbook only to be told its not here yet. And then 3 weeks later be told that its not coming anymore. WTF? What kind of bookshop doesnt stock the right textbooks? Last sem, i never got the required text for fluid mechanics because it was out of stock and they refused to order more. I ended up having to visit the co-op everyday to order a different book till they got one for me - i recieved it only halfway through the sem. So if anyone knows where i can get Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical & Electrical engineering 3rd Edition by W.Bolton, please let me know .. please please. .. And to the people waiting to photocopy it off me, tough luck.