Then I felt a little funny.
It took a while before i realised my car was sliding forward.
It took a while before i realised my car was sliding forward.
Finally broke out of my coccoon though.. Counting the days till i can finally say goodbye to my job.. till he comes back.. and unfortunately till i have to go back to uni. Still faced with the difficult decision.. should i transfer? Will it be worth it?? Will it be better or worse?? I dont know... I cant say... Can only think.
I hope we have another day like this. Most enjoyable :)
Anyways, i did promise pics so...
This would be me in my very own safety helmet. And i get to keep it :)Yes, I know its a little too big.. but I have a small head, cant do anything about it. This pic was taken at the IJM concrete plant in Jelutong.
Yup... These would be our safety shoes. Solid and heavy (think steel toes - a car could roll over and you wouldnt feel it), its one heck of a chore walking to and fro from the site every day since i cant afford to drive. Its like wearing weights on your ankles...and its about all i can do to drag myself uphill after spendin half the day out in the sun.. even the contractors have noticed how black ive gotten... *sigh*
This is the view from one of the recently completed projects E Gate.. Its right next to the project im stationed at, so whenever we get bored, we come here to loaf around in the shade and take photos. As you can see, the views a rather pretty one...didnt think the coastal highway looked like this, did ya??
Did this all by myself..Took me quite some time to get everything perfect, and yes im very proud of my very first drawing done in the site office so im putting it up anyway
This is half of the site im on. It was taken a couple of weeks ago, so theres much more to be seen now... ground is done, and first floor comin up. Its hot and dusty... and the labourers work all day...Till I came here, i never new that much effort had to be put into building... And I still dont understand how they can work all day in the blazing heat cos after a while i feel like dropping. Now i carry an umbrella. I dont care if its looks stupid, its HOT!
Ishuet celebrated her 21st Birthday a little over a week ago.
Happy Birthday Shuet!! As usual, we gathered at her house to celebrate.. and we came home with our own souveniers. Ishuets place would be the only house where you celebrate her birthday and you come home with something for yourself :)
This would be what we came home with - bracelets. And our own plate.. with food... Ishuet's moms spaghetti rocks! For a few days in a row, i had it for dinner .. and im still not sick of it. Actually im gettin hungry now....
If you've noticed i havent been updating, its because Jon came back for his hols so ive been spending most nights with him (or with my girls) .. and he left to go back for his short sem yesterday morning :( And i miss him. I really, really miss him. Three weeks to go and counting..
Oh yea... if i look bad in the pic its cos its after a night of chilling...
Everytime i say something, he laughs. When I do something, he laughs. When i try to clamber overbeams, he laughs. When I walk to the site holding an umbrella(hey its hot, cant blame me), yup.. He also laughs. He even managed to crack up at my bosses attempt at making jokes. Such a happy dude.
He's really nice to all of us though .. and we have on various occasions managed to wheedle free drinks off him :) And for want of nothing to do, I get to hold the measuring tape .
I think he finds me amusing .... Oh well.. Least I can do is provide entertainment, even if i cant read structural drawings.
I think they need to do much more than rebranding.
For the past few days, I've been recieving calls on my cell phone from the oddest people (think peoples parents??) whom i do not know and ive never heard of and i dont recognize the numbers at all. Each ask me who i am, do i know so and so, have i been talking to so and so, are you sure you dont know who he is, your phone number is on my bill do you know this number are you really sure you dont know what about so and so, you know him??
Bloody Telekom Malaysia and its crosslines. Its annoying me. Especially when some wierdo calls you in the middle of the night lookin for some one that you dont know.
Onwards to Vision 2020. Hah.
My brother has managed to convince my mom that he needs a laptop very badly, so much urgent work to do. So he's gettin a laptop. I, on the other hand, managed to convince my mom that I need a new laptop more than he intergrated graphics card cant support all the design work i do (YES ITS TRUE). SO.....
I got a new laptop :). Farewell to my trusty Acer Travelmate which has kept me company for so long, Hello to my new Toshibe Satellite.
Im sorry.I didnt mean it. But i cant change what happened. No matter how many times i say im sorry, how many times i try to explain myself, that i didnt mean it, fact still remains i cant change anything and i cant fix it.
And that is the worse feeling in the world. To know you hurt the one person you love so much, the one person who gave so much to you, put so much into you, believed in you..All because you didnt think. And theres nothing you can do about it to make it better.
It just sucks.
I love you. Im sorry.
We were on the way to the site when i commented how i felt like having McDonalds. Then someone commented on how near Tesco was to us..And someone came up with the idea of eating ice cream an Mcdonalds. Then we realised we were unsupervised....
And the evil thoughts start coming .. ..
As you can guess, we didnt spend that much time on site. Instead, we took a little detour to McD's where we each had our ice cream. (Though three girls had no money, one guy did :)) And returned back to the office just in time for the day to end.
And we'll probably be doing it again ... Now we just have to remember to bring money with us....
Anyways, there was a massive storm on monday, the kind where visibility is so low you cant drive, the sky is all red, loads of wind, thunder and lightning. I was on the com when the power got cut off. So being me (so smart) i turned it back on again. Well..guess it wasnt that great an idea cos about fifteen mins later the fuse tripped again (is this why the modem fried??) so i gave up and spent a sleepless half hour in my bed till i decided it was safe enough to venture out and flip the switch back on. I got out of bed, walked to my door, opened it and stepped out ..
Right into a puddle of water.
Yup. My house flooded. Rather nasty shock at one in the morning considering its never flooded before. Heck it just got renovated. My first thought was that the toilet somehow overflowed which wasnt too comforting especially since there was no power so i had no idea what i was stepping in (imagine HUMAN WASTE. Oh yuck). Anyway i opened my mouth and made enough noise to wake my folks up, plucked up enough courage to walk to the fuse box in all that water and flip the switch back on ( rather stupid realy, i could have been electrocuted come to think of it ) and found myself staring at enough water for fish to swim in. Okay okay, enough water for peacock fish to swim in.
My mom: the water came in through the windows, who didnt close the wondows, see now all the water came in through the windows, aiya aiya why didnt anyone close the windows..
My dad: Its coming from underground, maybe theres too much water in the soil and theres a crack in the tiles *poke poke around looking for a misterious hidden spring* stop making so much noise it cant be coming from the window water can come from underground ..
I walked around the house and found out the water was coming from the roof. Haih. I spent that night moving all my waterlogged stuff to a higher level.
Today, i have yet again been reminded how uneligible my writing is. As industrial trainees, we each have to submit a report and keep a logbook.. so naturally we swapped notes. And at least once for every page, someone comes up to me and asks me what i wrote. And sometimes i cant read it either. Guess all that writing in primary school didnt help much. :)
With my pc down, i cant upload any pics. All i can say is that safety helmets and me just dont go. I feel like a maggot.
Guess what .. i have a dental appointment tomorrow. Yay!
Now usually i absolutely despise visits to the dentist. Lying down on that freaky chair, with the freaky pain inducing instruments and bright light and your mouth streched wide open with some lady, no matter how nice, poking into it is NOT my idea of fun. Doesnt even come close. Its somewhere right down at the bottom, alongside the things i hate to do eg going for medical check-ups. But as its tomorrow afternoon and the dental isnt open on weekends and the appointment was scheduled a year ago, i get the afternoon off!! Yay!!
Only wish i could get the whole day but lets not be greedy.. i get an afternoon off!! Thank god for small pleasures.
I was having ice cream and talking to a friend of mine, Kok Yun (we think he has a girlfriend but he's yet to admit it in public), when he said the most surprising thing to me:
That alone, was enough to blow my mind away. Anyway, being the kaypo i am, i had to ask why. To which he replied
And i just had to laugh. Anyone who knows me and my relationship knows im far, far from being an easy girlfriend. Heck, Jon would be the first person to run out with a megaphone to announce it. And yes, i know i have a habit of being dificult. Blame in on hormonal imbalance. Just goes to show that the grass always looks greener on the other side.. But then again, Kok Yun probably thinks that all he needs to keep me happy would be a large tub of ice cream .. THINK AGAIN. Not everything can be fixed with a bribe.
But then again, a good pint of Baskin Robbins does have the ability to put a big, fat, happy smile on my face and a sugar high to last me all day :)
Anyway, today would be my third day or work/industrial training at IJM and its gotten pretty fun. Well, today at least. For those less informed, as a scholarship student i have to complete ten weeks of training every year. And this year, they took pity on me and let me do my training at the Bayswater Resort Condominium. Thats right next to Tesco. And its still in consrtuction. So here you have a first year Mech student who knows absolutely nothing on a construction site. And i have my own little safety helmet and safety boots. So every now and then i get to go on site and into buildings and explore. And if im not doing that i get to sit in the office and do absolutely nothing. Actually im supposed to look at construction drawings and read up on all sorts of systems but it doesnt really matter. Only downside about havin no proper work to do?? Bloody boring. Oh well... for 500 bucks a month what can you expect. Im basically gettin allowance for doing nothing but observing and asking questions. And after 3 days i know more amount the practical side of civil engineering than about my own field. But going on site is fun. For the moment. Added bonus is that there a couple more trainees with me :), we trainees follow the big people out to eat so i never have to drive.
I hear spaghetti calling my name .. pics coming soon..till then, im gonna stuff myself silly.
Maybe if you werent so convinced that everything was okay the fall to the ground wouldnt hurt so much, wouldnt be that much of a shock, wouldnt make you feel so darn stupid. Maybe if you were already prepared for the worst to happen it wouldnt be that bad when it did. Maybe a dull constant pain is better than a sudden drop from a sky high to a low. If you never let yourself fly you would never have to feel the fall. You would never have to feel the pain. You would be safe.
I want to go to bed and not wake up. Preferably for a long, long time.