Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Like a hamster on a running wheel.

I have a box. I have many boxes, in fact.

Boxes where I store my thoughts, where I shove away everything I cant deal with so I can happily go on in denial.

Im running out of space. Trying to continue to cram stuff into overflowing boxes means inevitably some stuff spills over.

Denial unravels and it gets harder and harder to make it through the day; it gets harder and harder to cope.

So what do you do ?

Sometimes the most obvious decisions are the hardest to make. The most obvious things are the hardest to do. Living in denial is a much easier (albeit alot less healthier, maybe?) way to push on.

What do you hold on to when there is nothing left?

I tell you, I'm a sucker for pain.

I keep moving, but I can't tell if Im moving foward, backward, or Im at a standstill.

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