Sunday, May 29, 2005

I hope he gets run over by a lorry

This is exactly what is going through my head right now.


Was on my way to gurney, after having parked the car at our usual spot by the field. College Square, or Lebuhraya Maktab as some call it.Anyway, terri, see mun and i were on our way to gurney plaza for dinner when some fuckin bastard came from behind me on a bloody motorbike and snatched my bag. MY BAG. My bag, with my wallet and my handphone and my lip balm and an assortment of some other junk. The bag was a present, the wallet was a present, the tissue paper holder was a present. Im only thankful my camera wasnt in there as well. MY BAG. On the day i had my phone in it, on a day i actually had cash in it. Heres what you call shock - i dont recall it hapenning, i dont recall how it got snatched, i only remember the bastard riding off with it. And when i got to the police station in Pulau Tikus, my hands were still shaking. I now wish i had known what was happening, and given the bike a good kick.


There goes a perfectly good phone with a perfectly good digi line in it, a rather new wallet with my ic, license, atm cards, insurance cards, membership cards, photos, and CASH. Close to a hundred bucks. And when youre a student on a budget, its a hundred bucks i cant afford to lose.

Im still spitting curses in my head, and i hope he gets run over by a lorry. Of all the nerve. On minute i was holding my bag, the next minute it was gone. He yanked way too hard, i couldnt hold on, though i tried. And the fucker had the nerve to turn around and look back as he rode of with my bag. I hope he gets run over by an excavator.

Anyway, it took me almost two hours a file a bloody police report. Shows just how great our Malaysian police system is. Had to file one report at the district police station, who took forever to type it out, sell me a copy for four bucks and then send me over to the main police HQ in Patani Road. Where i had to wait another half an hour for someone to attend to me, and to retake my statement. Which he handwrote, and reasked me everything. Then he ran out of paper, so he counldt print out the letter until whoever it was whom he called came back with paper. So efficient.

I started out hungry on the way to dinner, completely lost my appetite after my bag got snatched. By the time the i finished (finally) making a report, i was about to die of hunger.

Only other news of interest : Went to watch a movie yesterday along with Chai, Terri, See Mun and Yu Ming. I have learnt a sneaky new way to obtain really good movie seats when the cinemas fully booked.

Highly recommended - watch it and laugh your self silly.

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