Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Holiday?? What holiday??

Im BACK! For an entire week of holiday!!But seeing that i'll have to go to Ipoh for CNY, not entirely long enough. Oh well... quick update on what ive been up to so far :
    1. Went pressie shoppin
    2. Had a couple of celebrations (with a few more to come)
    3. Catch a flu
    4. Visit sir (finally)
    5. Eat chocolate, watch a movie
    6. Wax Terri's back!! I have pics but it seemed a little too graphic.. think Indonesian maid abuse victim...
    7. Meet up with Jon. A brief but better then nothing peiod of time. Oh well.. Theres always next time..
    8. Eat Mcdonalds Bfast with Chai and Terri. Some things dont change :)
    9. Lose alot of sleep
    10. Eat Mcdonalds breakfast AGAIN with See Mun, Polyn and Terri

Then heres what i have to do before i leave:
    1. Go to Ipoh (unfortunately neccessary)
    2. Meet up with Tze Lin (maybe we can do lunch???i'll be back thursday; call me if youre free, i have to see you before you go, its been ages)
    3. BIRTHDAYS! Which also mean present shopping again..
    4. Have dinner with Jon
    5. Have a chit chat with Vila
    6. See Ye Shan before she leaves, and collect my certs
    7. Mahjong and fireworks: Ishuets place
    8. Glo??Hey im invited right??? And im free right???
    9. Actually, meet up with a number of people, but somehow given the current situation its just not possible..

Plenty of things to be done, not nearly enough time. And it doubly sucks that i neither have my own car nor a driver. Precious time wasted sittin on my arse doing nothing. Oh yea.. and i'm supposed to study.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes; lunch, dinner, sleepover, whatever!
me leaving next wednesday, so better clear a day for me!

tzelin the hot babe.