I just read the papers. Or sort of read the papers (theStar online mah!)
Someone was killed today. Stabbed to death just for a handbag. In the sleepy, stinky little town i spent 4 years in at USM. Thirty minutes away across the bridge from my home.
Its just a small town, more village like than a city. Its quiet, shops close early and theres no entertainement. I thought crime only happens in big cities, i guess i was wrong.
Now Penang's CM is urging the Federal Government to speed up the installations of CCTV in Penang. Speed up wor. I think they've been trying to install em for at least a year . . .
Welcome to Malaysia.
Why is it that something has to happen first before action is taken? The bus crashes, the mat rempit cases, the snatch theft, break ins, rape cases, abuse cases . . .
Only when a major catastrophe occurs and it ends up in the papers does big shot up there decide to step in, offer condolence and come up with some kind of ops but always tak jadi.
Bah. Whatever. Todays pretty picture:
Along the Seine, walking towards Notre Dame on Saturday night.