Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Fly Away

Gosh its been forever since im posted anything up here. My hols are half gone already *sob sob*

Short update to keep this place going.. Because this is my first ever blog.. and i dont have the heart to let it die even though i have absolutly nothing to say.

Actually, im just wasting time so i dont have to get ready for work :P. I hate my internship that much... what wouldnt i give to do absolutly nothing these hols.

Ive just handed in all my required student exchange documents... If everything goes smoothly, i should be receiving my CoE in a day or two, i'll go apply for my student visa and book my plane ticket.. then im basically all set to go.

I have rather mixed feelings about going... I want to go.. I want to go somewhere new (kaki gatal mah) .. I want to see what its like .. on the other hand.. can i really leave everyone behind? I'll be completely alone, no fall back plan... If i mess up ive got noone to run to.. what if its horrible? what if i cant adjust? What about Jon? Can i handle being cut off from him for six months?

I have to put my foot down and have faith that everythings gonna be alright. But its hard to do.

Want anything from Aussie?? Let me know :)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Sleep is good

Okay ... hols are here .. finals are over .. time to curl up and do this : No more sneaking 15 more minutes off youre alarm clock every morning .. nap all day :P

Friday, March 17, 2006

the Cat

Ahahahahahahahah !!!!!!!!

Is she gone yet?

Just in case you cant see , the caption at the bottom says " How many times have we just thought," If I just close my eyes the bitch will go away"

close your eyes, close your eyes ... close your eyes ..

Is she gone yet?

Brokeback Mountain?

I'm pretty sure everyone knows what Brokeback mountain is about .. even if they haven't watched it yet. Two gays dude. .. having a gay relationship. . and a gay marriage .. and gay kissing .. you get the picture. .

Anyway .. Brokeback Mountain was what everyone had on their mind this morning .. when thean chye walked in in his bright red body glove tee ... followed by hanxen .. IN THE EXACT SAME BRIGHT RED BODY GLOVE TEE ... AHahahahahaha ..

Farneee .... especially since they're both very very against gay sex

I didn't realise I was wearing a red tee too .. until the girl next to me leaned over and asked, " EH, you all pakat wear same colour today issit ??? "

Come in to the lecture hall, look for a bright blotch of red .. thats us :)

Aiyo Kar Loon .. why didn't you wear a red shirt as well ??? Then we'd be Design Team J . Or is that Manufact. Group J?.

Wasted ..

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I lost ..

To the girl who took off her shirt.

Cheap shot.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Oh St Valentine ..

Its that dreaded day again .. VALENTINES DAY. A day loathed by singles and couples alike. Couples because for a majority of them its time to get down to the excruciating process of he choosing the perfect gift and the perfect flowers and the perfect dinner place bla bla bla and woe betide the man that comes back with THE WRONG GIFT! And for the minority of couples who for some reason or another simply arent able to spend Valentines day with that special someone, its painful to sit and watch other couples making kissy faces and showing off extravagant (read: waste of money loh) bouquets of flowers and teddy bears when they know that their someone is there but just simply unreachable. And when they say theres no pain quite like the pain of unrequited love, i believe that there isnt one person out there who does not know that pain.


Originally a day to celebrate love, valentines day has now become more like a competition to see who's bf or gf got the bigger/better/more expensive gift or ate in the most high class restaurants. Its a day where those smug couples openly flaunt their relationships in front of others and where singles feel doubly single. A day where the couples feel superior and the singles feel like theyre missing out on something. Its a day where where business take the opportunity to reap in profits. I mean, 12 bucks for ONE rose? Thats robbery! In short, its commercialised. Its become a whole bunch of bull.

In these past years, either my patience has become increasingly short or there are just way way too many couples out there attached to the hip. Yes, we know you love each other but really .. you dont HAVE to wear the EXACT SAME TSHIRT. We know you make out every night but you really dont HAVE to tickle each others bits while queuing up to buy groceries .. save it for another time when you arent holding up the queue. And you dont have to jab the stems of your flowers into the back of the poor innocent dude behind you just because theyre bigger than your head. And so on.. And so on.. ARGH!

Makes me feel like going out their and egging them. No, Im not bitter spinster. I just have a low tolerance level for annoying people.

Anyway to all those who dont happen to have an other half around to make kissy faces with on Feb14, dont fret. Dont hide at home.. You dont have a half, so hang out with the other fractions - your friends! Minus the kissy faces, of course.. Valentines day is primarily about love... and we love our friends (and ourselves) dont we?? Come on.. say it ... i wuuvv yoouuu..

Oh yea ... EVERYONE hates valentines day cos it causes massive TRAFFIC JAMS!

Saturday, February 11, 2006


If you happen to be keeping up to date with my Multiply, you might have heard that i had a group presentation on the monday right after CNY. The presentation we spent one day preparing the slides, and the presentation which i only went through the slides the morning itself .. and guess what ...

We aced it !! Woo Hoo!

Hahaha ... last minute work isnt that bad .. and the ability to talk complete nonsense helps :)

During a particularly gruelling Q&A session i had to rely heavily on my crap talking skills .. thank god for all the training i had in school .. words in italics are the ones running through my head

    Q : Could you explain the difference in precision between abrasive jet machining, water jet machining and abrasive water jat machining?
    A: (dammit like i know .. i dont even have the textbook .. how ah?? change topic!) Well .. actually its not really about the prescision but actually about the material used... in this process the material used is .. (back to something i know .. hmm..)
    Q : Is the flow in AWJM laminar, turbulent or transitional and why?
    A : ( Not fair! what has manufacturing got to do with fluid mechanics?? ok .. make something up ..) (very confidently) The flow is turbulent. You see, AWJM is characterized by the mixing in the nozzle and its high velocity. From Bernoullis equation and Reynolds transport theorem ... (oh good.. try to sound smart..does anyone know im completely making this up?)

And it went on like that for a good five to ten questions .. with me making up as many things as possible. . :D I always figured even if you have no idea what youre talking about you gotta at least make people believe you know what youre talking about... AND IT WORKED !!

The banana group - KING OF LAST MINUTE WORK!


Friday, January 27, 2006

Saya Sebatang Kote

I picked this up off the net... absolutely hilarious .. hahahah
This was written by a Malaysian studying overseas.

His complete original post is as follows:

Enjoy :)

Saya Sebatang Kote

10 years. That's how long an average Malaysian student studies the Malay language in school. Funny thing is that overseas I meet a lot of Malaysian students who seem to have forgotten everything they learned about Malay. I meet a lot of Malaysians who can't speak, read or write Malay anymore.
As for me, my Malay had never been very good but it wasn't too bad either. I would sometimes get A's for my Karangans in school and I even used to do Syarahans.
Anyway, I wondered to myself: It has been 4 years since I finished Form 5. I know I definately can still speak and read Malay, but the question is... can I still write?
Whenever I think of writing Malay, I think of those days in Standard 1 where we would write small little Karangans (essays) with titles like "Saya Seekor Kuching". So, 14 years down the line, I decided to revisit those essays that normally have a maximum of 120 words. I sat down to write an essay without the help of a dictionary.

And here is my essay entitled

Saya Sebatang Kotek (I am a Cock)

Helo! Nama saya Abu. Saya sebatang kotek berwarna hitam dan berukuran 15 inchi. Ya, banyak orang kata pemilik saya Bob sangat bernasib baik dilahirkan dengan saya tetapi sebenarnya, saya tidak dicintai. Tiap-tiap hari, saya disimpan di dalam seluarnya yang amat gelap dan dikeluarkan cuma apabila tiada orang di sekeliling. Manapun, Bob ada kalanya meluahkan hatinya kepada saya. Bila tiada orang nampak, Bob akan keluarkan saya dan menyentuh saya dengan kasih sayang yang amat lembut sampai says muntah. Saya tahu dalam minda Bob... saya memalukan dia.

Semuanya berubah pada satu hari bila Bob sudah lebih 20 tahun. Dia tiba-tiba mula menyukai saya dan juga membeli pakaian cantik untuk saya. Walaubagaimanapun, pada satu hari... (akan disambung)
116 Patah Perkataan

At this point he gave up... and his friend took over :)

Walaubagaimanapun, pada satu hari, dia keluarkan saya di depan satu gua gelap. aku tidak beberapa suka situasi itu tetapi dia melembutkan leher aku dengan sentuhan kuku jari dia. tiba-tiba, gua it kena rusuk hantu! dia mempunyai dua batang leher and dua biji kepala! kepala it pelik sekali kerana rambutnya macam lima batang jari kaki! ok dan ini berlaku: Gua kena rusuk itu menggunakan kepala mereka untuk bunuh aku! mereka cuba memotong saluran oksigen aki dengan memicit saya dengan kuat! aku hendak "duduk" pun tak boleh kerana kaki terajang! Tetapi, nasib baik dia perlahan sikit kerana tuan saya menjerit kesakitan.

aku hampir termuntah tetapi tuan saya menyelamatkan nyawa saya dengan melarikan diri dari gua rusuk itu. pelik sekali, dia masih menyentuh saya seperti hendak memanaskan saya. TIBA-TIBA tuan saya mendekati gua itu lalu memasukkan saya ke dalam gua itu!Taat dan kesetiaan saya pada tuan saya hilang sekelip mata. aku ketakutan apabila dalam gua itu, menunggu apa-apa yang akan terjadi pada saya. aku tidak takut dibunuh. tanpa penyediaan, badan saya digosok pada dinding gua itu! gua itu busuk sekali dan amat kering lagi ketat! tapi perasaan berubah apabila gris magik mengalir pada dinding dari siling rumah. aku rasa pada masa itu, hantu dari gua itu sudah merusuk tuan saya kerana tuan saya terjadi gila dan memasukkan saya dalam Simple Harmonic Motion pada 1000rpm. lepas beberapa jam, tuan saya masih bertenaga dan gua sudah dibanjiri dengan air merah! air merah itu tertumpah keluar dari dinding pecah. aku terasa pening lalu memuntah.

aku mengotori baju cantik saya. aku amat kasihan sekali. tetapi hantu dalam tuan saya sudah terbang pergi. tuan saya melepasi saya dari gua gila itu, menanggal baju cantik saya dan mencampakinya. aku tidak kisah kerana baju itu bau coklat dan aku tidak suka coklat.

The End.

HAhahaha.. hope you had a good laugh.. cos i know i did.. Visit the authors blog at here.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

The tide is out

I went back sometime later. Its was early evening, and the tide was out. So heres a clearer daytime pic of dead dolphin (sorrylah, not that clear.. had to use a phone to take the pic).. all red.. and bloated... with flies hovering about..


Remember Seaquest? Darwin?

Saturday, January 14, 2006

All the fluffy things

This is something i watched and OH MY GOD .. it is so utterly repulsive. . There arent any words to describe shit like this. Its cruel, its inhumane.. Its just plain evil. And thats putting it mildly.

People like that dont deserve to bloody live. Death would be an easy out. People like that should be tortured to the point of near death, then allowed to recuperate briefly before the whole torture cycle begins again. Dammit.

Click here to see what i saw.

Seriously ... for the love of god..

Dont do fur. Please.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Tide of Death

I was with the girls at Gurney drive last night .. Our usual hang our spot when we wanna chat but have no cash to go anywhere else (where you actually have to buy something) .. what to do ... finacial crisis .. ahahaha ..

Anyway, we were walking along the drive looking for a good place to sit when our noses detected the very strong scent of kiam hu ..

Guess what the tide brought in :

Dont know what that is ? Its a freakin dead dolphin. About slighlty over a metre long, very dead and very smelly. With a huge cut midway down its belly and its guts falling out.

Oh gross.. Ive never seen a dolphin up close. Its kinda sad that the first time i see one, its dead.

Friday, January 06, 2006


Today ...

I locked myself out of my room.


Yup.. i locked the door, went to class and returned only to find out that my keys mysteriously dissappeared somewhere between my fluid dynamics tutorial and my journey home.

One roomie gone home, another two gone out for lunch and the melayu people at the admin office gone out to pray...

That pretty much left me stuck outside.


Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

Its officially 2006!

So, Happy New Year!!

New Year Celebrations @ Glo !

Booze, Sex and Drugs!! Thats the way to usher in the new year ... Hahahah ..

Actually, just booze :) whiskey and tequila is enough to make me happy :)

Sorry girls... it'll be with you all next countdown, k?? We had Christmas together, righT??

Cheers to 2006 .. may it be tons better than 2005 .. heheh .. actually ... it will be .. less one person di mahhhh :P