Thursday, December 29, 2005

Two and a Half years to go

Its my second semester in my second year. Four more semesters to go till i graduate. Its my first week of uni .. and im sick. Already. Being sick during the first week of the semseter isnt all that bad. But being sick during the new year weekend is. ARGGH!! Even if the fever goes i wont be able to eat all i want! or drink all i want! Dammit!

Happy New Years everyone. So long 2005 ... im looking forward to a new year.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas :)

Its christmas .. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


Tequila shots rock!!!

Im never going back to chillout again.


Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas present

I was gettin ready to go out last night when i found this sitting on my driveway. My cat brought me an early Christmas present. She somehow managed to catch a freakin bat. Ugh. Yuck.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Movie Day

Finally, i managed to coerce people into watching King Kong with me. I know, old show but hey ive been busy trying to make money.

Movie was a little bit draggy (10 mins staring at the sunset), and king kong reminded me of a spoilt chauvinistic male (i want to own this girl and only this girl) but on the whole it was pretty good. Except if you nitpick at small details too much you might end up spoiling the movie (eg - how come shes so clean?)

Oh yea .. and NEver Ever take little kids who cant sit still or shut up during a three hour long movie. I swear, i felt like smacking the little boy behind me who couldnt sit still. Argh.

Tomorrow is Friday!! :) Damn sleepy right now cos i dragged myself out of bed at an ungodly hour to go for breakfast with jit shiong, jooi hong and vila .. And it must be the drinks or the curry mee cos came back with a bellyache, dammit. But still.. im glad i got to meet up with them one last time before we head back to our respective unis to start a new sem.

Still more people i have yet to meet up with, though.. Im running out of time.

Oh yea.. i got to see Jit shiongs sugar gliders as well .. damn cute little buggers .. it jumped on my head a couple of times, hehehe

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

New arrival

For the past couple of days ive been so busy baking thanks to all those people who make orders last minute that i havent introduced the latest addition to my house.

Therefore i now introduce Shots. Isnt she cute? Picked her up from the roadside after Terri's birthday :) Couldnt resist .. she was around my legs before we entered the restaurant, still there outside halfway through the meal and tried to follow us in .. And i caved. How can anyone say no to a face soo cute??

Monday, December 19, 2005


For the past week, many people have been coming up to me and asking me whats going on. I guess its finally time to spill the beans, since we all deserve to know the truth. Have a good look .. here's the girl who said to my face she doesnt need her friends.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

The wonders never cease

HMmmm... its amazing to what extent a person can go for a guy .. to defend a guy .. to defend their own interests.

I finally see the light.

The person i thought i could trust, the person whom i thought was my friend, the person whom i stuck my neck out for to defend turned around and stabbed me in the back .. for the past six months. While she showed me a happy face all the while, little did i know that she was silently trashing me. Looking back, i guess i should have seen it coming. What a fool i am for trusting someone who obviously didnt value me. I guess the cliche is true - looks can be decieving.

I suppose when even friends can be thrown away for the sake of a stranger, its time to surpass all bitterness and leave for the happy place.

So long.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Happy Birthday!!!!

Its Terris birthday today!1

Happy 21st Birthday Terri!!

Heres wishing happy birhday to the girl ive known (but didnt talk to) since standard two :)

Hope everythin goes your way next year .. cos you deserve it.

Results Out Today!!

Results are out!!

Well, not actually the results but you can check your gpa and cgpa at

Its wiered .. why is it the gpa is out before the grades? Hmmm..

Michelle is back with my purple happy cat!!! Only three more to go to complete the set :)

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Some things are fragile, once broken; cannot be regained.

Looking back, its suprising how much one can put ones neck on the line just for old times sake.

And when it comes to a point where you wake up and realise : is it even worth it?, you know somethings not quite right anymore.

When you finally had enough of the "tepuk sebelah tangan" stuff, its time to make a change. Cut your losses and let go ...

Be free of the past that drags you down.

Friday, December 09, 2005


Tonight ...

Is a night to get completely wasted


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Duduklah atas pagar..

When things get split into two sides, even sitting in the middle can get you in trouble.

I swore i wouldnt get involved, yet somehow i am now. Dammit.

I think im just gonna sit in my room with my two feng shui cats (third one on the way) and watch anime.

Watch Elfen Lied. Highly reccommended.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I need a good nap

Im more than half way through my hols.. and im dead tired.

Somethings bothering me, but i dont know what cos ive been waking up regularly at about five in the morning. And of course when you go back to bed then wake up again you end up feeling like shit. Arghhh... I cant believe it .. im gonna end up going back to uni as tired as i was when i came back from that hell hole.

Everyones back, with Vila the last person to arrive yesterday. I wonder, though if anything will change. Maybe one extra person to test cookies in ishuets house..

Theres a storm brewing. I hope to hell i dont end up in the middle of it.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Need some $$

Im BAck!

From a rather unproductive trip .. I have amazingly returned with barely any clothes.. except for a really nice beige jacket. Instead, i managed to spend a load of cash on odd items like candles, mugs, and pillows. Christmas pressies, ya know ?? Oh yea .. and my nikes .. my pretty nikes :) and a bag .. and underwear ... I didnt manage to get an external HD during my visit to the PC fair (god, i forgot how much i hate that place) but i did manage to scrape up enough dough for my altec lansing speakers and headphones .. oooo :).

Im not supposed to eat or drink anything after midnight today.

Its odd how you suddenly feel lke doing things when you've been specifically told not to. I really, really want a drink of water..

Sigh. Tomorrows gonna be a long, long day.

Keep your fingers crossed for me..